Applied, interdisciplinary, and holistic

Our research goal is to strengthen security and facilitate the flow of goods and people at airports and other environments where humans and machines interact. Our applied and interdisciplinary research is conducted in close collaboration with end users, airports, and regulators. We analyze, evaluate, and design systems using a holistic approach by taking into account interactions between humans and technology.

Our main research areas are “human factors and performance”, “human-machine interaction and systems” and “cognitive and computational modeling”. We also have a strong record of accomplishment in national and international research projects including several EU projects. We provide our knowledge to society through publications in scientific journals and by contributing to conferences and expert groups.

Research Areas

HUMAN FACTORS And Performance

Performance of security screening depends strongly on human factors. Important determinants are pre-employment assessment, computer-based training, certification, and operational performance measurement.

HUMAN FACTORS And Performance

Despite advances in technology, aiport security officers (screeners) are still indispensable in X-ray screening of passenger bags and other items. Our research addresses key topics of human factors and performance: pre-employment assessment, computer-based training, certification and operational performance.

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Pre-employment assessment

Our research on X-ray screening has shown that not everyone has the potential to become a good screener. With our tests for selecting screeners, we can identify persons who have the necessary abilities before employing them. In our current research, we investigate whether different visual cognitive abilities are needed when operating single, multi-view and 3D imaging for X-ray screening of passenger bags.

Computer-based training

Computer-based training is very important to achieve and maintain good detection performance of X-ray screeners. In our research on training effectiveness, we could show that individually adaptive training using a large and representative image library is the key to success. In current research projects, we examine training challenges and solutions for operating multi-view and 3D imaging systems.

Certification and operational performance

Initial and recurrent certification of screeners is mandatory in airport security screening and in other areas. Based on several years of research, we have developed computer-based tests that are reliable, valid, and standardized. We have also conducted research on operational performance measurement using covert tests and threat image projection. Current research investigates potential impacts of new screening technology on certification procedures.

Human-machine interaction and systems

Performance in security screening depends on humans, machines and their interaction. In our research on human-machine interaction, we examine different X-ray image display technologies (e.g. 2D vs 3D imaging), automation to support X-ray screeners, and how security checkpoints could be improved as sociotechnical systems.

Human-machine interaction and systems

Performance in security screening depends on humans, machines and their interaction. In our research on human-machine interaction, we examine different X-ray image display technologies (e.g. 2D vs 3D imaging), automation to support X-ray screeners, and how security checkpoints could be improved as sociotechnical systems.

X-ray image display technologies

Older X-ray machines show passenger bags only as a single view. Newer technology shows bags from two different viewpoints (multi-view imaging). The most recent technology is based on computer tomography, which provides 3D rotatable images. In our research, we compare different image display technologies and provide recommendations on how to improve human-machine interaction.

Automated threat detection in X-ray screening

Material based automated detection of explosives is the standard in hold baggage screening and increasingly used in cabin baggage screening. Shape based automated detection of other threats (e.g. guns and knives) are becoming available. In our research on automation, we analyze how to implement such systems for increasing human-machine system performance.

Improvement of security checkpoints

Security checkpoints can be regarded as sociotechnical systems where humans and machines interact with each other. We analyze current checkpoints using qualitative and quantitative methods. With 3D computer simulations and large amounts of data, we explore how to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and passenger experience  in security screening.

Cognitive and computational modeling

We use cognitive and computational modeling for understanding X-ray image difficulty and visual inspection as search and decision making. In earlier research, we used cognitive and computation modeling for face recognition and scene perception.

Cognitive and computational modeling

We use cognitive and computational modeling for understanding X-ray image difficulty and visual inspection as search and decision making. In earlier research, we used cognitive and computation modeling for face recognition and scene perception.

Automated X-ray image difficulty estimation

Prohibited items are more difficult to recognize when depicted from unusual viewpoints, when superimposed by other items and when placed in visually complex bags. We have developed algorithms that estimate image difficulty resulting from these image-based factors.

Visual Inspection

Visual inspection has been investigated in different areas and described as visual search and decision making. In our research, we have shown that such a two component model of visual inspection can also be applied to describe the task of X-ray screeners.

Processing of faces and natural scenes

Faces have different components (eyes, nose, mouth, etc.) with a specific spatial relationship (configural information). In our research, we have investigated how such information is processed in upright and inverted faces. We also investigated how people process visual information of natural scenes in order to categorize them and evaluate scene typicality.

Publication Database

We provide our knowledge to society through publications in scientific journals and by contributing to conferences and expert groups.

Research Areas (all)Topics (all)AuthorsYearTitlePublished inLink
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsImprovement of Security CheckpointsLatscha, M., Schwaninger, A., Sauer, J., & Sterchi, Y.2024Performance of X-ray baggage screeners in different work environments: Comparing remote and local cabin baggage screeningInternational Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 102, 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.ergon.2024.103598Link
Human Factors and PerformanceCertification of ScreenersBuser, D., Schwaninger, A., Sauer, J., & Sterchi, Y.2023Time on task and task load in visual inspection: A four-month field study with X-ray baggage screenersApplied Ergonomics, 111, 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2023.103995Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsImprovement of Security CheckpointsZeballos, M., Fumagalli, C.S., Ghelfi, S.M., & Schwaninger, A.2023Why and how unpredictability is implemented in aviation security – A first qualitative studyHeliyon, 9(3), Article e13822. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e13822Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsAutomated Threat Detection in X-Ray ScreeningHuegli, D., Merks, S., & Schwaninger, A.2022Benefits of decision support systems in relation to task difficulty in airport security X-ray screeningInternational Journal of Human-Computer InteractionLink
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingKolokytha, S., Flisch, A., Lüthi, T., Plamondon, M., Visser, W., Schwaninger, A., Hardmeier, D., Costin, M., Vienne, C., Sukowski, F., Hassler, U., Dorion, I., Gadi, N., Maitrejean, S., Marciano, A., Canonica, A., Rochat, E., Koomen, G., & Slegt, M. 2018Creating a reference database of cargo inspection X-ray images using high energy radiographs of cargo mock-upsMultimedia Tools and Applications, 77(2), 9379-9391Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingKolokytha, S., Flisch, A., Lüthi, T., Plamondon, M., Schwaninger, A., Visser, W., Hardmeier, D., Costin, M., Vienne, C., Sukowski, F., Hassler, U., Dorion, I., Gadi, N., Maitrejean, S., Marciano, A., Canonica, A., Rochat, E., Koomen, G., & Slegt, M. 2017Improving customs’ border control by creating a reference database of cargo inspection X-ray imagesAdvances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, 2(3), 60-66Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsImprovement of Security CheckpointsRiz à Porta, R., Sterchi, Y., & Schwaninger, A.2022How realistic is threat image projection for X-ray baggage screening?Sensors 2022, 1-15. Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsImprovement of Security CheckpointsBuser, D. & Merks, S.2020Centralised Image Processing: challenges, trends and time on taskAviation Security International December 2020, 33-35Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsAutomated Threat Detection in X-Ray ScreeningHuegli, D., Merks, S., & Schwaninger, A. 2020Automation reliability, human–machine system performance, and operator compliance: A study with airport security screeners supported by automated explosives detection systems for cabin baggage screeningApplied Ergonomics, 86, 1-12. doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2020.103094Link
Human Factors and PerformanceCertification of ScreenersBuser, D., Sterchi, Y., & Schwaninger, A.2020Why stop after 20 minutes? Breaks and target prevalence in a 60-minute X-ray baggage screening taskInternational Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 76, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.ergon.2019.102897Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsImprovement of Security CheckpointsBuser, D., Sterchi, Y., & Schwaninger, A.2019Effects of time on task, breaks, and target prevalence on screener performance in an X-ray image inspection taskProceedings of the 53rd IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Chennai, India, October 1-3, 2019, 1-6. doi:10.1109/CCST.2019.8888408Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsAutomated Threat Detection in X-Ray ScreeningChavaillaz, A., Schwaninger, A., Michel, S., & Sauer, J. 2019Some cues are more equal than others: Cue plausibility for false alarms in baggage screeningApplied Ergonomics, 82, 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2019.102916 Link
Human Factors and PerformanceCertification of ScreenersSteiner-Koller, S.M., Bolfing, A., & Schwaninger, A.2009Assessment of X-ray image interpretation competency of aviation security screenersProceedings of the 43rd IEEE Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Zurich Switzerland, October 5-8, 2009. doi:10.1109/CCST.2009.5335569Link
Human Factors and PerformanceImprovement of Security CheckpointsChavaillaz, A., Schwaninger, A., Michel, S., & Sauer, J.2019Work design for airport security officers: Effects of rest break schedules and adaptable automationApplied Ergonomics, Volume 79, September 2019, Pages 66-75Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesHättenschwiler, N., Merks, S., Isenschmid, M., & Schwaninger, A.2019X-ray Screening von registriertem Gepäck: 2D vs. 3D Technologie und Evaluation eines On-Screen Alarm Resolution Protokolls65. Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA), Dresden, 27. Februar - 1. März, 2019, 1-6.Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingSchwaninger, A., & Merks, S.2019Single-view, multi-view and 3D imaging for baggage screening: What should be considered for effective training? Aviation Security International, February 19, 32-35.Link
Human Factors and PerformanceX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesHättenschwiler, N., Merks, S., Sterchi, Y., & Schwaninger, A.2019Traditional visual search vs. X-ray image inspection in students and professionals: Are the same visual-cognitive abilities needed?Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1-17. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00525Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesMerks, S., Hättenschwiler, N., Zeballos, M., & Schwaninger, A.2019X-ray Screening von registriertem Gepäck: Werden dieselben visuell-kognitiven Fähigkeiten für die Arbeit mit 2D und 3D Technologie benötigt?65. Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA), Dresden, 27. Februar - 1. März, 2019, 1-6.Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesRiz à Porta, R., Sterchi, Y., & Schwaninger, A.2019Gibt es Threat-Image-Projection-Artefakte bei Luftsicherheitskontrollen mit Röntgengeräten? Eine erste Ratingstudie. 65. Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA)65. Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA), Dresden, 27. Februar - 1. März, 2019, 1-6.Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsAutomated Threat Detection in X-Ray ScreeningHättenschwiler, N., Merks, S., & Schwaninger, A.2018Airport security X-ray screening of hold baggage: 2D versus 3D imaging and evaluation of an on-screen alarm resolution protocolProceedings of the 52th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Montréal Canada, October 22-25, 2018 , 1-5.Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesSterchi, Y., Hättenschwiler, N., & Schwaninger, A.2019Detection measures for visual inspection of X-ray images of passenger baggageAttention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 1-15. doi:10.3758/s13414-018-01654-8Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesChavaillaz, A., Schwaninger, A., Michel, S., & Sauer, J.2019Expertise, automation and trust in X-ray screening of cabin baggageFrontiers in Psychology, 10, 1-11. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00256Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesChavaillaz, A., Schwaninger, A., Michel, S., & Sauer, J.2018Automation in visual inspection tasks: X-ray luggage screening supported by a system of direct, indirect or adaptable cueing with low and high system reliability Ergonomics, 1-14. doi:10.1080/00140139.2018.1481231Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesMerks, S., Hättenschwiler, N., Zeballos, M., & Schwaninger, A.2018X-ray screening of hold baggage: Are the same visual-cognitive abilities needed for 2D and 3D imaging?Proceedings of the 52th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Montréal Canada, October 22-25, 2018, 1-5Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesRiz à Porta, R., Sterchi, Y., & Schwaninger, A.2018Examining Threat Image Projection Artifacts and Related Issues: A Rating StudyProceedings of the 52th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Montréal Canada, October 22-25, 2018, 1-4Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingSchmid, F.2015Systematic Threat Assessment: how to adapt security measures based on the research on latest threatsInternational Airport Review. 19 (4). pp 60-63Link
Human Factors and PerformanceCertification of ScreenersWetter, O., Hardmeier, D., & Hofer, F.2008Covert testing at airports: Exploring methodology and results Proceedings of the 42nd Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Prague, October 13-16, 2008Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesYang, J., & Schwaninger, A.2018The ability of face viewpoint transformation remains immature at age of 12: Evidence from recognition of faces with different familiarity in childrenJapanese Psychological Research, 60(2), 1-9. doi:10.1111/jpr.12190Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingVisual InspectionPoulakos, S., Roethlin, G., Schwaninger, A., Smolic, A., & Gross, M.2014Alternating attention in continuous stereoscopic depthIn R. Bailey & S. Kuhl (Eds.), Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception (pp. 59-66). New York: ACM. doi:10.1145/2628257.2628260Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsImprovement of Security CheckpointsYang, J., & Schwaninger, A.2011Turn right or turn left? Heuristic of adhering to the direction of destinationApplied Cognitive Psychology, 25(5), 703-707. doi:10.1002/acp.1741Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesYang, J., & Schwaninger, A.2011Yang’s iris illusion: External contour causes length-assimilation illusionsJapanese Psychological Research, 53(1), 15-29. doi:10.1111/j.1468-5884.2010.00455.xLink
Cognitive and Computational ModelingVisual InspectionDrury, C.G., Ghylin, K.M., & Schwaninger, A2007Large–scale validation of a security inspection modelProceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Ergonomics (CE2007), 17-19 April 2007, Nottingham, UK (pp. 209-214). London: Taylor & FrancisLink
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsImprovement of Security CheckpointsAntifakos, S., Kern, N., Schiele, B., & Schwaninger, A.2005Towards improving trust in context-aware systems by displaying system confidenceMobileHCI'05, September 19–22, 2005, Salzburg, Austria. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 111, 9-14. doi:10.1145/1085777.1085780Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsImprovement of Security CheckpointsKern, N., Antifakos, S., Schiele, B., & Schwaninger, A.2004A model for human interruptability: experimental evaluation and automatic estimation from wearable sensorsEight IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC '04), Volume 1, 158-165. doi:10.1109/ISWC.2004.3Link
Human Factors and PerformanceX-Ray Image Display Technologies, Automated Threat Detection in X-Ray ScreeningHättenschwiler, N., Mendes, M., & Schwaninger, A.2019Detecting bombs in X-ray images of hold baggage: 2D versus 3D imagingHuman Factors, 1-17. doi:10.1177/0018720818799215Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsImprovement of Security CheckpointsKuhn, M.2017Centralised Image Processing: The Impact on Security CheckpointsAviation Security International, 23(5), 28-30Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsAutomated Threat Detection in X-Ray ScreeningHättenschwiler, N., Sterchi, Y., Mendes, M., & Schwaninger, A. 2018Automation in airport security X-ray screening of cabin baggage: Examining benefits and possible implementations of automated explosives detectionApplied Ergonomics, 72, 58-68Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesWallraven, C., Schwaninger, A., Schuhmacher, S., & Bülthoff, H.2002View-based recognition of faces in man and machine: Re-visiting inter-extra-ortho2nd international Workshop on Biologically Motivated Computer Vision, Tübingen, Germany, November 22-24, 2002. Lectures Notes in Computer Science, 2525, 651-660Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesSchwaninger, A., Lobmaier, J., & Collishaw, S.M.2002Role of featural and configural information in familiar and unfamiliar face recognition2nd international Workshop on Biologically Motivated Computer Vision, Tübingen, Germany, November 22-24, 2002. Lectures Notes in Computer Science, 2525, 643-650Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingVisual InspectionSchwaninger, A.2002Visual cognitionAIRPORT, 2002(3), 20-21Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesGraf, M., Schwaninger, A., Wallraven, C., & Bülthoff, H.H.2002Psychophysical results from experiments on recognition & categorisationInformation Society Technologies (IST) programme, Cognitive Vision Systems - CogVis (IST-2000-29375)Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesSchwaninger, A., Wallraven, C., Schuhmacher, S., & Bülthoff, H.H.2003News on facial views from humans and machineJournal of Vision, 3(9), 837-837Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesSchwaninger, A., Ryf, S., & Hofer, F.2003Configural information is processed differently in perception and recognition of facesVision Research, 43, 1501-1505Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesSchwaninger, A., Carbon, C.C., & Leder, H. 2003Expert face processing: Specialization and constraintsDevelopment of face processing (pp. 81-97). Göttingen: HogrefeLink
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingSchwaninger, A.2003Training of airport security screenersAIRPORT, 2003(5), 11-13Link
Human Factors and PerformancePre-Employment AssessmentSchwaninger, A.2003Screener evaluation and selectionAIRPORT, 2003(2), 14-15Link
Human Factors and PerformanceCertification of ScreenersSchwaninger, A.2003Reliable measurements of threat detectionAIRPORT, 2003(1), 22-23Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesSchwaninger, A., Wallraven, C., & Bülthoff, H.H.2004Computational modeling of face recognition based on psychophysical experimentsSwiss Journal of Psychology, 63(3), 207-215Link
Human Factors and PerformanceCertification of ScreenersSchwaninger, A., Hardmeier, D., & Hofer, F.2004Measuring visual abilities and visual knowledge of aviation security screenersIEEE ICCST Proceedings, 38, 258-264Link
Human Factors and PerformanceCertification of ScreenersSchwaninger, A., Bridges, A.P., Drury, C., Durinckx, F., Durrant, P., Hodge, T., Hofer, F., Jongejan, R., Maguire, R.L., McClumpha, A., Neiderman, E., Steinmann, C., & Wüest, W.2004Principles and requirements for assessing X-ray image interpretation competency of aviation security screenersWhite Paper, International Aviation Security Human Factors Technical Advisory Group (InterTAG), Competency Assessment Working Group (CAWG)
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingSchwaninger, A., & Hofer, F.2004Evaluation of CBT for increasing threat detection performance in X-ray screeningThe Internet Society 2004, Advances in Learning, Commerce and Security (pp. 147-156). Wessex: WIT PressLink
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingSchwaninger, A.2004Computer based training: the enhancement of human factorsAviation Security International, 2004(2), 31-36Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingSchwaninger, A.2004Increasing efficiency in airport security screeningProceedings of AVSEC World 2004, November 3-5, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesKleiner, M., Schwaninger, A., Cunningham, D.W., & Knappmeyer, B.2004Using facial texture manipulation to study facial motion perceptionProceedings of the 1st Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, APGV 2004, Los Angeles, California, USA, August 7-9, 2004Link
Human Factors and PerformanceCertification of ScreenersHofer, F., & Schwaninger, A.2004Reliable and valid measures of threat detection performance in X-ray screeningIEEE ICCST Proceedings, 38, 303-308Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesAntifakos, S., Schwaninger, A., & Schiele, B.2004Evaluating the effects of displaying uncertainty in context-aware applicationsSixth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, September 7-10, 2004, Nottingham, England. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3205, 54-69Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesWallraven, C., Schwaninger, A., & Bülthoff, H.H.2005Learning from humans: computational modeling of face recognitionNetwork: Computation in Neural Systems, 16(4), 401-418Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingAutomated X-Ray Image Difficulty EstimationSchwaninger, A., Michel, S., & Bolfing, A.2005Towards a model for estimating image difficulty in X-ray screeningIEEE ICCST Proceedings, 39, 185-188Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesSchwaninger, A., Lobmaier, J.S., & Fischer, M.H.2005The inversion effect on gaze perception reflects processing of component informationExperimental Brain Research, 167, 49–55Link
Human Factors and PerformanceCertification of ScreenersSchwaninger, A., Hardmeier, D., & Hofer, F.2005Aviation security screeners visual abilities & visual knowledge measurementIEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 20(6), 29-35Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesSchwaninger, A., & Mast, F.W.2005The face-inversion effect can be explained by the capacity limitations of an orientation normalization mechanismJapanese Psychological Research, 47(3), 216–222Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesSchwaninger, A.2005X-ray imagery: enhancing the value of the pixelsAviation Security International, Oct 2005, 16-21Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingVisual InspectionSchwaninger, A.2005Objekterkennung und Signaldetektion: Anwendung in der PraxisPraxisfelder der Wahrnehmungspsychologie (pp. 108-132). Bern: HuberLink
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsImprovement of Security CheckpointsSchwaninger, A.2005Increasing efficiency in airport security screeningWIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 82, 407-416.Link
Human Factors and PerformanceCertification of ScreenersHofer, F., & Schwaninger, A.2005Using threat image projection data for assessing individual screener performanceWIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 82, 417-426Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesHayward, W.G., Rhodes, G., Winkler, C., & Schwaninger, A.2005Own-race face effects in processing of configural and component information by Chinese observersJournal of Vision, 5(8), 534–534Link
Human Factors and PerformancePre-Employment AssessmentHardmeier, D., Hofer, F., & Schwaninger, A.2005The X-Ray Object Recognition Test (X-Ray ORT) – a reliable and valid instrument for measuring visual abilities needed in X-ray screeningIEEE ICCST Proceedings, 39, 189-192Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesCollishaw, S.M., Hole, G.J., & Schwaninger, A.2005Configural processing and perceptions of head tiltPerception, 34, 163-168Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesVogel, J., Schwaninger, A., Wallraven, C., & Bülthoff, H.H.2006Categorization of natural scenes: local vs. global informationProceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, ACM Press, New York, USA, 33-40Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesSchwaninger, A., Wallraven, C., & Cunningham, D.W., & Chiller-Glaus, S.2006Processing of facial identity and expression: a psychophysical, physiological and computational perspectiveProgress in Brain Research, 156, 321-343Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesSchwaninger, A., Vogel, J., Hofer, F., & Schiele, B.2006A psychophysically plausible model for typicality ranking of natural scenesACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 3(4), 333–353Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesSchwaninger, A.2006Threat image projection: enhancing performance?Aviation Security International, December 2006, 36-41Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingSchwaninger, A.2006Airport security human factors: From the weakest to the strongest link in airport security screeningProceedings of the 4th International Aviation Security Technology Symposium, Washington, D.C., USA, November 27 – December 1, 2006, 265-270Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingSchwaninger, A.2006Liquid identification: Reacting to the terror threat. Analysing, controlling and adapting to meet new threatsAIRPORT, 2006(5), 30-31Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingVisual InspectionRiegelnig, J., & Schwaninger, A.2006The influence of age and gender on detection performance and the response bias in X-ray screeningProceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, ICRAT 2006, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, June 24-28, 2006, 403-407Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesMichel, S., Koller, S., Ruh, M., & Schwaninger, A.2006The effect of image enhancement functions on X-ray detection performanceProceedings of the 4th International Aviation Security Technology Symposium, Washington, D.C., USA, November 27 – December 1, 2006, 434-439Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesLobmaier, J.S., Fischer, M.H., & Schwaninger, A.2006Objects capture perceived gaze directionExperimental Psychology, 53(2), 117-122Link
Human Factors and PerformanceCertification of ScreenersKoller, S., & Schwaninger, A.2006Assessing X-ray image interpretation competency of airport security screenersProceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, ICRAT 2006, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, June 24-28, 2006, 399-402Link
Human Factors and PerformancePre-Employment AssessmentHofer, F., Hardmeier, D., & Schwaninger, A.2006Increasing airport security using the X-Ray ORT as effective pre-employment assessment toolProceedings of the 4th International Aviation Security Technology Symposium, Washington, D.C., USA, November 27 – December 1, 2006, 303-308Link
Human Factors and PerformancePre-Employment AssessmentHardmeier, D., Hofer, F., & Schwaninger, A.2006Increased detection performance in airport security screening using the X-Ray ORT as pre-employment assessment toolProceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, ICRAT 2006, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, June 24-28, 2006, 393-397Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingHardmeier, D., Hofer, F., & Schwaninger, A.2006The role of recurrent CBT for increasing aviation security screeners’ visual knowledge and abilities needed in X-ray screeningProceedings of the 4th International Aviation Security Technology Symposium, Washington, D.C., USA, November 27 – December 1, 2006, 338-342Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingVisual InspectionGhylin, K.M., Drury, C.G., & Schwaninger, A.2006Two-component model of security inspection: application and findings16th World Congress of Ergonomics, IEA 2006, Maastricht, The Netherlands, July, 10-14, 2006Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingAutomated X-Ray Image Difficulty EstimationBolfing, A., Michel, S., & Schwaninger, A.2006A statistical approach for automated image difficulty estimation in X-ray screening using image processing algorithmsProceedings of the 4th International Aviation Security Technology Symposium, Washington, D.C., USA, November 27 – December 1, 2006, 384-388
Cognitive and Computational ModelingAutomated X-Ray Image Difficulty EstimationBolfing, A., Michel, S., & Schwaninger, A.2006Assessing image difficulty in X-ray screening using image processing algorithmsProceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, ICRAT 2006, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, June 24-28, 2006, 253-258Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesVogel, J., Schwaninger, A., Wallraven, C., & Bülthoff, H.H.2007Categorization of natural scenes: local versus global information and the role of colorACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 4(2), 1-21Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesSchwaninger, A., Schuhmacher, S., Wallraven, C., & Bülthoff, H.2007Using 3D computer graphics for perception: The role of local and global information in face processingProceedings of the 4th Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, ACM Press, New York, USA, 19-26Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingAutomated X-Ray Image Difficulty EstimationSchwaninger, A., Michel, S., & Bolfing, A.2007A statistical approach for image difficulty estimation in X-ray screening using image measurementsProceedings of the 4th Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, ACM Press, New York, USA, 123-130.Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingSchwaninger, A., Hofer, F., & Wetter, O.E.2007Adaptive computer-based training increases on the job performance of X-ray screenersProceedings of the 41st Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Ottawa, October 8-11, 2007Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesMichel, S., Koller, S.M., Ruh, M., & Schwaninger, A.2007Do “image enhancement” functions really enhance X-ray image interpretation?Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1301-1306). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science SocietyLink
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingMichel, S., de Ruiter, J.C., Hogervorst, M., Koller, S.M., Moerland, R., & Schwaninger, A.2007Computer-based training increases efficiency in X-ray image interpretation by aviation security screenersProceedings of the 41st Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Ottawa, October 8-11, 2007Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingKoller, S.M., Hardmeier, D., Michel, S., & Schwaninger, A.2007Investigating training and transfer effects resulting from recurrent CBT of X-ray image interpretationProceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1181-1186). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science SocietyLink
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesChiller-Glaus, S. D., Schwaninger, A., & Hofer, F.2007Identity verification from photographs in travel Documents: The role of display duration and orientation on performanceProceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 51st Annual Meeting (pp. 1327-1330). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics SocietyLink
Cognitive and Computational ModelingAutomated X-Ray Image Difficulty EstimationBolfing, A., & Schwaninger, A.2007Measurement formulae for image-based factors in X-ray imageryVICOREG Technical Report, November 26, 2007Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display Technologiesvon Bastian, C.C., Schwaninger, A., & Michel, S.2008Do multi-view X-ray systems improve X-ray image interpretation in airport security screening?Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, 3, 166-173Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingAutomated X-Ray Image Difficulty EstimationSchwaninger, A., Bolfing, A., Halbherr, T., Helman, S., Belyavin, A., & Hay L.2008The impact of image based factors and training on threat detection performance in X-ray screeningProceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, ICRAT 2008, Fairfax, Virginia, USA, June 1-4, 2008, 317-324Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingMichel, S., Koller, S.M., & Schwaninger, A.2008Relationship between level of detection performance and amount of recurrent computer-based trainingProceedings of the 42nd Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Prague, October 13-16, 2008, 299-304Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingKoller, S.M., Hardmeier, D., Michel, S., & Schwaninger, A.2008Investigating training, transfer and viewpoint effects resulting from recurrent CBT of X-ray image interpretationJournal of Transportation Security, 1(2), 81-106Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesHayward, W.G., Rhodes, G., & Schwaninger, A.2008An own-race advantage for components as well as configurations in face recognitionCognition, 106, 1017-1027Link
Human Factors and PerformancePre-Employment AssessmentHardmeier, D., & Schwaninger, A.2008Visual cognition abilities in X-ray screeningProceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, ICRAT 2008, Fairfax, Virginia, USA, June 1-4, 2008, 311-316Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingGuo, Y., Schwaninger, A., & Gall, H.2008An architecture for an adaptive and collaborative learning management system in aviation security17th IEEE International Workshop in Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises, Workshop for Distributed and Mobile Collaboration (DMC 2008), Rome, June 23-25, 2008Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesGhylin, K.M., Schwaninger, A., Drury, C.G., Redford, J., Lin, L., & Batta, R.2008Screening enhancements: Why don’t they enhance performance?Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 52nd Annual Meeting, September 22-26, New York City, NY USALink
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingBolfing, A., Halbherr, T., & Schwaninger, A.2008How image based factors and human factors contribute to threat detection performance in X-ray aviation security screeningHCI and Usability for Education and Work, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5298, 419-438Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingVisual InspectionWales, A.W.J., Anderson, C., Jones, K.L., Schwaninger, A., & Horne, J.A.2009Evaluating the two-component inspection model in a simplified luggage search taskBehavior Research Methods, 41(3), 937-943Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingVisual InspectionWales, A., Halbherr, T., & Schwaninger, A.2009Using speed measures to predict performance in X-ray luggage screening tasksProceedings of the 43rd IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Zurich, October 5-8, 2009Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display Technologiesvon Bastian, C.C., Schwaninger, A., & Michel, S.2009The impact of color composition on X-ray image interpretation in aviation security screeningProceedings of the 43rd IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Zurich Switzerland, October 5-8, 2009Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesVeres-Injac, B., & Schwaninger, A.2009The time course of processing external and internal features of unfamiliar facesPsychological Research, 73(1), 43-53Link
Human Factors and PerformanceCertification of ScreenersSteiner-Koller, S.M., Bolfing, A., & Schwaninger, A.2009Assessment of X-Ray image interpretation competency of aviation security screenersProceedings of the 43rd IEEE Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Zurich Switzerland, October 5-8, 2009Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesSchwaninger, A., Lobmaier, J., Wallraven, C., & Collishaw, S.2009Two routes to face perception: evidence from psychophysics and computational modelingCognitive Science, 33, 1413-1440Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingSchwaninger, A., & Wales, A.W.J.2009One year later: how screener performance improves in X-ray luggage search with computer-based trainingProceedings of the Ergonomics Society Annual Conference 2009, 381-389Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsImprovement of Security CheckpointsSchwaninger, A.2009Why do airport security screeners sometimes fail in covert tests?Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Zurich Switzerland, October 5-8, 2009Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesMichel, S., & Schwaninger, A.2009Human-machine interaction in X-ray screeningProceedings of the 43rd IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Zurich Switzerland, October 5-8, 2009Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesMeinhardt-Injac, B., Meinhardt, G., & Schwaninger, A.2009Does matching of internal and external facial features depend on orientation and viewpoint?Acta Psychologica, 132.Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingKoller, S.M., Drury, C.G., & Schwaninger, A.2009Change of search time and non-search time in X-ray baggage screening due to trainingErgonomics, 52(6), 644-656Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingHofer, F., Wetter, O.E., Graf, R., Guo, Y., & Schwaninger, A.2009Using learning content management systems as highly adaptive and efficient supporting tool for (recurrent) training – an applied perspectiveProceedings of the 43rd IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Zurich Switzerland, October 5-8, 2009Link
Human Factors and PerformancePre-Employment AssessmentBolfing, A., & Schwaninger, A.2009Selection and pre-employment assessment in aviation security X-ray screeningProceedings of the 43rd IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Zurich Switzerland, October 5-8, 2009Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesYang, J., & Schwaninger, A.2010Face inversion effect emerges under critical configural discrepancySwiss Journal of Psychology, 69(3), 159-165Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display Technologiesvon Bastian, C.C., Schwaninger, A., & Michel, S.2010Color impact on security screeningAerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 25(10), 33-38.Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingVisual InspectionSchwaninger, A., Hardmeier, D., Riegelnig, J., & Martin, M.2010Use it and still lose it? The influence of age and job experience on detection performance in X-ray screeningGeroPsych: the Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry, 23(3), 169-175Link
Human Factors and PerformanceCertification of ScreenersMichel, S., Mendes, M., & Schwaninger, A.2010Can the difficulty level reached in computer-based training predict results in X-ray image interpretation tests?Proceedings of the 44th Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, San Jose California, October 5-8, 2010Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingHardmeier, D., Jaeger, M., Schibli, R., & Schwaninger, A.2010Effectiveness of computer-based training for improving detection of improvised explosive devices by screeners is highly dependent on the types of IEDS used during trainingProceedings of the 44th Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, San Jose California, October 5-8, 2010Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingSury, Ph., Riesen, P., Nef, J., & Schwaninger, A.2011Using a blended learning instructional design for secure handling of air cargoMensch, Technik, Organisation - Vernetzung im Produktentstehungs- und -herstellungsprozess, 845-848Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingSury, P., Schwaninger, A., & Nef, J.2011Improving secure handling of air cargo by means of web based blended learningProceedings of the 45th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Mataro Spain, October 18-21, 2011, 1-3Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesSchwaninger, A., & Yang, J.2011The application of 3D representations in face recognitionVision Research, 51, 969-977Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingSchwaninger, A.2011Computer-based training: advantages and considerationsAviation Security International, 17(6), 18-23Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingMendes, M., Schwaninger, A., & Michel, S.2011Does the application of virtually merged images influence the effectiveness of computer-based training in X-ray screening?Proceedings of the 45th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Mataro Spain, October 18-21, 2011Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingProcessing of Faces and Natural ScenesChiller-Glaus, S.D., Schwaninger, A., Hofer, F., Kleiner, M., & Knappmeyer, B.2011Recognition of Emotion in Moving and Static Composite FacesSwiss Journal of Psychology, 70(4), 233-244Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingSury, Ph., Ritzmann, S., & Schwaninger, A.2012Initial results of web based blended learning in the field of air cargo securityProceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Security Technology (ICCST), 1-6.Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingSury, Ph., Nef, J., & Schwaninger, A.2012Application of blended learning in air cargo securityGestaltung nachhaltiger Arbeitssysteme, 731-734Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesMendes, M., Schwaninger, A., Strebel, N., & Michel, S.2012Why laptops should be screened separately when conventional X-ray screening is usedProceedings of the 46th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Boston MA, October 15-18, 2012Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingMichel, S., Mendes, M., de Ruiter, J., Koomen, G., & Schwaninger, A.2014Increasing X-ray image interpretation competency of cargo security screenersInternational Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 44, 551-560Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingKolokytha, S., Flisch, A., Lüthi, T., Plamondon, M., Hartmann, S., Visser, W., Schwaninger, A., Hardmeier, D., Costin, M., Vienne, C., Sukowski, F., Hassler, U., Dorion, I., Canonica, A., Rochat, E., Koomen, G., & Slegt, M.2016Creating a reference database of cargo inspection X-ray images using high energy CT of cargo mock-upsProceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Imaging System & Techniques, Chania Greece, October 4-6, 2016, 249-254Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsAutomated Threat Detection in X-Ray ScreeningFlisch, A., Lüthi, T., Plamondon, M., Hartmann, S., Visser, W., Schwaninger, A., Hardmeier, D., Costin, M., Vienne, C., Sukowski, F., Hassler, U., Dorion, I., Canonica, A., Rochat, E., Koomen, G., & Slegt, M. 2016ACXIS – Automated comparison of X-ray images for cargo scanningFuture Security 2016, Berlin Germany, 13.-14. September, 2016, 435-442Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsAutomated Threat Detection in X-Ray ScreeningVisser, W., Schwaninger, A., Hardmeier, D., Flisch, A., Costin, M., Vienne, C., Sukowski, F., Hassler, U., Dorion, I., Marciano, A., Koomen, G., Slegt, M., & Canonica, A.2016Automated comparison of X-ray images for cargo scanningProceedings of the 50th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Orlando USA, October 24-27, 2016, 268-275Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingVisual InspectionThomas, L., Schwaninger, A., Heimgartner, N., Hedinger, P., Hofer, F., Ehlert, U., & Wirtz, P.H.2014Stress-induced cortisol secretion impairs detection performance in X-ray baggage screening for hidden weapons by screening novicesPsychophysiology, 51(9), 1-9Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsX-Ray Image Display TechnologiesMendes, M., Schwaninger, A., & Michel, S.2013Can laptops be left inside passenger bags if motion imaging is used in X-ray security screening?Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7 (654), 1-10Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingMendes, M., Michel, S., & Schwaninger, A.2013Cargo screening: Enhancement of human factorsAviation Security International, October 2013Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingHalbherr, T., Schwaninger, A., Budgell, G.R., & Wales, A.2013Airport security screener competency: a cross-sectional and longitudinal analysisInternational Journal of Aviation Psychology, 23 (2), 113-129Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsImprovement of Security CheckpointsSchwaninger, A.2014A personal view: The story of bobAviation Security International, 20 (4), 44Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsImprovement of Security CheckpointsBaeriswyl, S., Krause A., & Schwaninger, A.2016Emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction in airport security officers – Work-family conflict mediator in the job demands-resources modelFrontiers in Psychology, 7, 1-13Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsImprovement of Security CheckpointsMichel, S., Hättenschwiler, N., Kuhn, M., Strebel, N., & Schwaninger, A.2014A multi-method approach towards identifying situational factors and their relevance for X-ray screeningProceedings of the 48th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Rome Italy, October 13-16, 2014, 208-213Link
Human Factors and PerformanceCertification of ScreenersHardmeier, D., Müller, C., & Schwaninger, A.2014Certification of airport security officers using multiple-choice tests: A pilot studyProceedings of the 48th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Rome Italy, October 13-16, 2014, 230-235Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsAutomated Threat Detection in X-Ray ScreeningSterchi, Y., & Schwaninger, A.2015A first simulation on optimizing EDS for cabin baggage screening regarding throughputProceedings of the 49th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Taipei Taiwan, September 21-24, 2015, 55-60Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingMendes, M., Michel, S., & Schwaninger, A.2015Steigerung der Erkennungsleistung von Cargo Screenern61. Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA), Karlsruhe, 25.-27. Februar, 2015, 1-6Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsImprovement of Security CheckpointsHättenschwiler, N., Michel, S., Kuhn, M., Strebel, N., & Schwaninger, A.2015Relevanz situativer Einflussfaktoren auf die Arbeit von Luftsicherheitskontrollpersonal bei der Röntgenbildbeurteilung – eine Arbeitsanalyse61. Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA), Karlsruhe, 25.-27. Februar, 2015, 1-5Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingHättenschwiler, N., Michel, S., Kuhn, M., Ritzmann, S., & Schwaninger, A.2015A first exploratory study on the relevance of everyday object knowledge and training for increasing efficiency in airport security X-ray screeningProceedings of the 49th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Taipei Taiwan, September 21-24, 2015, 25-30Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsAutomated Threat Detection in X-Ray ScreeningSterchi, Y., & Schwaninger, A.2016Eine erste Simulation zur Optimierung des Durchsatzes beim Einsatz automatischer Sprengstoffdetektion für die Handgepäckkontrolle an Flughäfen62. Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA), Aachen, 02.-04. März, 2016, 1-6Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingVisual InspectionSchwaninger, A.2016Determinants of airport security X-ray screeners’ detection performanceAviation Security International, 22 (4), 28-29Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingHättenschwiler, N., Michel, S., Kuhn, M., Ritzmann, S., & Schwaninger, A.2016Eine erste explorative Studie zur Relevanz von Wissen über das Aussehen von Alltagsgegenständen bei der Röntgenbildbeurteilung in der Luftsicherheit62. Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA), Aachen, 02.-04. März, 2016, 1-6Link
Human-Machine Interaction and SystemsImprovement of Security CheckpointsWyssenbach, T., Sterchi, Y., & Schwaninger, A.2017Simulationsunterstützte soziotechnische Optimierung von Luftsicherheitskontrollstellen63. Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA), Brugg AG, 15.-17. Februar, 2017, 1-6Link
Cognitive and Computational ModelingVisual InspectionSterchi, Y., Hättenschwiler, N., Michel, S. & Schwaninger, A. 2017Relevance of visual inspection strategy and knowledge about everyday objects for X-ray baggage screeningProceedings of the 51th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Madrid Spain, September 23-26, 2017, 1-6Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingMichel, S., Hättenschwiler, N., Zeballos, M. & Schwaninger, A. 2017Comparing e-learning and blended learning for threat detection in airport security X-ray screeningProceedings of the 51th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Madrid Spain, September 23-26, 2017, 1-6.Link
Human Factors and PerformanceComputer-Based TrainingHättenschwiler, N., Sterchi, Y., Michel, S., & Schwaninger, A.2017Relevanz von Wissen über Alltagsgegenstände und visueller Inspektionsstrategie für die Gepäckkontrolle mit Röntgengeräten63. Frühjahrskongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA), Brugg AG, 15.-17. Februar, 2017Link

Projects and latest News

We have a strong record of accomplishment in national and international projects including several EU projects.


Selected projects and latest news:

Target Recognition using Artificial Intelligence (TRAI)



The project “Target Recognition using Artificial Intelligence” (TRAI) evaluates chances and risks of AI systems for the automated detection of prohibited items in X-ray images (APIDS). Currently, first such systems are commercially available. These systems have a big potential to increase security in aviation. However, it is still unclear how well they actually perform for different threats and how the interaction between APIDS and security officers should be designed for optimal security and efficiency. TRAI aims at providing answers to these questions.


Federal Office of Civil Aviation and University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)







The overall scope of TRESSPASS is to modernize the way security checks at border crossing points (BCPs) are held out. TRESSPASS imports the idea of risk based security checks and proposes an analytic framework for modelling risk as well as a systematic approach of quantifying risk, based on a set of indicators that can accurately be measured across all four tiers of the Integrated Border Management. Once these indicators are accurately estimated from available data collected from background information, sensors and applications, the risk for each traveler is reliably calculated, based on the four-tier risk management approach introduced in TRESSPASS. Based on this risk, the system then adjusts the number and types of security checks required for each traveler, congruent with the associated risk, in order to maintain a desired security level while optimizing security. Special attention is paid in maintaining a level of mutual trust between the security process and the traveler throughout the entire screening process. Extensive simulations will be used to first test the proposed approach before implementing and validating it in three different pilots covering all three modalities: land, maritime, and air. For more information see:


EU Horizon 2020 Programme, Grant Agreement No. 787120





OSARP Training Study


Computer-based training for X-ray image interpretation is mandatory for airport security screeners and is used at airports all over the world. Current training systems are focusing mainly on visual knowledge, i.e. what objects are forbidden and how do they look in an X-ray image. A useful addition for the recognition of bombs in X-ray images of hold luggage could be so called On-Screen-Alarm-Resolution-Protocols (OSARP). In OSARP training, the screeners learn how to use certain rules for optimal X-ray image interpretation and certain heuristics for a better decision process.


X-ray manufacturer, FHNW


Hold baggage screening at an international airport


2017 – 2018


TRAI: Target Recognition Using Artificial Intelligence
SFLV 2019-057



Yanik Sterchi
Phone 043 336 01 01

Adina Simonetti
Phone 043 336 01 01

Open pdf

Funded projects

We have a strong record of accomplishment in national and international projects including several EU projects.


Selected projects:

Threat Image Projection for Remote Cabin Baggage Screening (RCBS)


As part of the project “Threat Image Projection for Remote Cabin Baggage Screening” (RCBS) current strengths and weaknesses of different RCBS systems are evaluated based on scientific methods. Further questions are addressed either in a laboratory setting or in scientific field studies at airports and there will be improvement measures determined.

Co-Funding: Federal Office of Civil Aviation Switzerland

Scope: Switzerland

Start: 2016



The overall scope of TRESSPASS is to modernize the way security checks at border crossing points (BCPs) are held out. TRESSPASS imports the idea of risk based security checks and proposes an analytic framework for modelling risk as well as a systematic approach of quantifying risk, based on a set of indicators that can accurately be measured across all four tiers of the Integrated Border Management. Once these indicators are accurately estimated from available data collected from background information, sensors and applications, the risk for each traveler is reliably calculated, based on the four-tier risk management approach introduced in TRESSPASS. Based on this risk, the system then adjusts the number and types of security checks required for each traveler, congruent with the associated risk, in order to maintain a desired security level while optimizing security. Special attention is paid in maintaining a level of mutual trust between the security process and the traveler throughout the entire screening process. Extensive simulations will be used to first test the proposed approach before implementing and validating it in three different pilots covering all three modalities: land, maritime, and air. For more information see:

Co-Funding: EU Horizon 2020 Programme, Grant Agreement No. 787120

Scope: Europe

Start: 2018

OSARP Training Study


Computer-based training for X-ray image interpretation is mandatory for airport security screeners and is used at airports all over the world. Current training systems are focusing mainly on visual knowledge, i.e. what objects are forbidden and how do they look in an X-ray image. A useful addition for the recognition of bombs in X-ray images of hold luggage could be so called On-Screen-Alarm-Resolution-Protocols (OSARP). In OSARP training, the screeners learn how to use certain rules for optimal X-ray image interpretation and certain heuristics for a better decision process.

Funding: X-ray manufacturer, FHNW

Scope: Hold baggage screening at an international airport

Duration: 2017 – 2018

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